Sunday, 18 March 2012

The kinetic effect


Remember that feeling when you saw your mothers first mobile, that vivid image of the  puzzled look coupled with the outrageous outburst of horrific chuckles. I will give you a high five if you remained unshaken by the picture at the left. The nineties camera phone. It is true the quality and measure of Innovation yesterday, is not necessarily the same measure of innovation today. It hit me that no matter what sort of innovative technology is created, it has to resonate with an every day simple task like communication or movement.

I would like to bring some focus to the heat wave of technology today. Innovative technology they call it because it is true nowadays they always want to spice it up. Imagine how many people have tables tallying apples gadgets because there is always a better one in a span of less than a year. If you are the unlucky buyer of the iphone first generation you know what I mean. But nomatter how bitter the iphone first generation buyer can be they still agree that technology has revolutionalised our lives.

I am immedietely reminded of my first experience with the Xbox 360 plus kinect effect. Its in the way your body is in motion with real time and this box. Its that split second you jump in unison with the projection in that game. It is kinetic motion, this kinect effect: it’s the beginning of something revolutionary. Its beyond games, its not the technology that’s impressive , but the application, impact and its potential to be better. Some people ask:and what about our real lives, are we cramping ourselves into a virtual world? 

Kinect might not be as accurate, but it will be better and better.I will tell you it is not about the technology that makes it innovative, it is the integration into out every day lives through its application capable to improve our living that makes it innovative. Thus it is completely incorrect to say that our real lives depend on technology but rather vice versa would hold true. Intergrating this technology into our real lifes is only the beginning.

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